Severe Torture + Ingested + Mouflon + Shoot the Messiah (concert review)

June 14th, 2019 | Gigant, Apeldoorn – A night filled with a few variants of death metal in Gigant and when three of the four bands are Dutch, this is a night to be present. Especially if you know that Severe Torture is performing again after a three years silence!
It is an early start for a friday and there are not that many people yet.
Shoot The Messiah (NL)
This rather new band is hailing from Amersfoort and is opening the night. As it is still quite early, there are not a lot of people, but this band does not let that influence their set. As the intro starts, I walk in front of the stage and get greeted by singer Leroy with the horn sign. He gets it back from me and Shoot the Messiah kicks off.

It is pretty dark in the venue and the blue and red lights are not my friends, but the occasional flash of bright light gives met something to work with.
It is pretty fast and the vocals are done in a quite deep guttural way, which is not my favorite, but singer Leroy is mostly comprehensible and that is a plus in my book. Musically it surprises me a bit. The sound is quite solid, with some nice changes and even eighties metal guitar parts.

With an album coming up and a release show soon, this band is climbing the ladder 2 steps at a time.
For everybody not present yet, you’ve missed out a great band!

Mouflon (NL)
The lights go down even more when the first notes of Mouflon sound and then all mayhem breaks loose. Ultra fast riffs and a relentless drummer who is hammering on his kit like a berserker. The ultra fast parts are alternated with slow and ultra heavy parts with long chords on guitar, which gives it a doom feeling in the breaks. Musically I think these variations are pretty interesting.

About half way into the set, the volume of one of the guitars is suddenly louder and it seemed to be missing in de mix. The sound of Mouflon gets a lot more defined and almost frolic the variations now audible are in sharp contrast with the ultra low growls and grunts of singer RJ. Interesting to listen to!

Ingested (UK)
Before to show I have a short talk with singer Jay about Stonehenge 2015 and he remembers the severe weather during that day. I pester him with a picture of that gig when he still had short hair and we have a few laughs. The changeover is swift… very swift and a about a half an hour early the band walks on the stage and few moments later there is another version of Jay at the stage. His wild eyes shoot fire as he is firing up the crowd to circle pits, mosh pits and foremost… to come closer and fill the void in front of the stage.

Ingested is raw en wild and the band is rather well visible too.
Ingested gets the crowd moving and man and women are joining the pretty wild mosh pit.
There is a man with silver white hair and a non-metal shirt, but he is having the time of his live! He is absorbed in the music of Ingested and it is awesome to see the space this man is given, even in the mosh pit to enjoy metal in is own way.

Jay is interacting with the audience a lot. Not only the front rows, but even a guy in the back with a striped shirt gets addressed by him. When the set is over, there is an encore but then it is really over. Pitty! If it was up to me, they would have been allowed to continue the half hour they had won with the swift change over.

Severe Torture (NL)
There are more people now, but it is still not very buys when Severe Torture start their set. It is a pretty special night, because after three years they are on the stage again. It is quite a challenge to play after Ingested this evening, but the English lads warmed up the crowd pretty good!
Severe Torture plays like they never had a break.
Musically it is pretty awesome and the audience is enjoying it very much, but are not as wild as with Ingested.

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